
If you were thinking this a heavy metal band from Brasilia, you're gravely mistaken.

These are part of a series of tombs I photographed at Père Lachaise Cemetery while living in Paris, France, 2008-2012.

Explorations in Painting

These are snapshots of some of the nearly one hundred pieces I created while at the Art Student's League in New York City in 2013. This represents my first foray into painting. My hope was to gain a better understanding of the basic elements of abstract painting such that I can explore new areas in my digital work. I believe that hope has been fulfilled, but I also have fallen in love with painting as a vehicle of personal expression. There is an immediacy and intimacy with painting that digital lacks. I don't believe I will ever leave digital behind, but painting is now part of me as well, so expect to see both being entered into shows and offered for sale down the road.

PAKKS can usually be found in Paris, NYC, LA, or Toledo, Ohio. 

Tel: (419) 768-6455